14. aug. 2005

Ikke gal - men kanskje litt smart

Så er ferien slutt og jeg rakk kun å lese tre -fire bøker.... Sånn er det å ha barn. Men ferien var likevel herlig ... tilbrakt i to "deilge" hus vi fikk låne i Danmark av venner og venners foreldre. Snakk om å være velsignet.

Og for noen bøker jeg har lest.... Brian McLaren er en av mine nye bekjenskaper ... Her er et referat jeg skrev til Amazon.com i dag over boken "Church on the other side".

Many of us younger Christians have this nagging feeling that something is very "sub-optimal" about the way most of us do church. We watch Christian television and feel embarrassed, we go to church and feel awkward, and sometimes we wonder if we are rebellious individualists, about-to-be apostates or just too unspiritual to see the beauty of the awkwardness. Many of us just leave.

After reading Brian McLaren's: "Church on the other side", I feel a lot better. It turns out there is a healthy reason for my more or less subconscious and unproductive aggression. What is going on is that some of us, both Christians and others have made the paradigm shift into the post modern mindset, whereas quite a few... most Christians and a lot of others haven't. My rebellion, it turns out, is not against Christ or the church, but against the impossibility of communicating the gospel to post moderns within a modern framework. My rebellion is not against Christianity it self, but against parts of the modern mindset that has been confused with Christianity, but turns out to be just culture.

Anybody interested in understanding the future of Christianity in the western world will benefit greatly from reading some of McLarens books, and "Church on the other side" is not a bad place to start.

Så det så...

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