28. sep. 2005

Ikke akkurat smart

Et lite gullkorn fra McLaren

“I’m just saying that it’s pathetic for some ignorant preacher to mock the Buddha and Muhammad – neither of whom he has ever seriously studied, much less understood – as if he’s smarter, wiser and better just because he believes in Jesus. He might be blessed for believing in Jesus, but that doesn’t make him smart..,.

...I think some christians use Jesus as a short-cut to being right. In the prosess they bypass becoming humble or wise...

...and unfortunately now, thanks to the miracle of television, people around the world can see and hear Christians being stupid.”

Hovedpersonen Neil Oliver i boken: A New Kind of Christian av Brian McLaren som nok vil bli tema for diverse bloggposter fremover.

Vil du høre og se McLaren og få en introduksjon til prosjektet hans via noen kule video-foredrag kan du gå hit

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